She is most often featured wearing a black dress with a white bow at the collar. While working at Black Hat's Casino she would keep her hair in a braid but otherwise she usually wears it loose. I'm Alice Angel - A song, and one of the soundtracks for Chapter 3 of Bendy and the Ink Machine. Bendy describes her as a 'knock out' when he first sees her (Ch 19) and a number of other characters have described her as beautiful.She wears a strapless black dress and a halo.

Twisted Alice - The physical monster form of Susie Campbell, appearing in Bendy and the Ink Machine, who first appeared in Chapter 3. Alice Angels design seems to be inspired by characters like Betty Boop and Jessica Rabbit.5 out of 5 stars (177) Sale Black and White Stripe Penis Banner. Allison Angel - The physical cartoon form of Allison Pendle, appearing in Chapter 4 and 5 of Bendy and the Ink Machine. spelled Beetlejuice in the film and Beetlejuice Bendy And The Ink Machine Better. After 30 years away from the studio, George Karis returns by request from Joey Drew.